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Healthy Choice Tips: Not Just a Way to Lose Weight

Healthy Choice Tips: Learning to Snack Smart

Healthy Choice Tips While Dining Out

18 March 2011

Sticking to your healthy eating regimen when eating out at a restaurant can be difficult. You can’t look at nutritional information labels and quite often the tasty looking pictures of unhealthy foods can be tempting. Sometimes you may choose to just avoid going to a restaurant altogether, but depriving yourself of these events could mean […]

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Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Healthy Choice Tips

18 March 2011

If you want to start leading a healthier lifestyle, you don’t need to do an overhaul on your whole life to see results. Even if you do plan on making drastic changes, these changes should be done slowly to give yourself time to adjust and improve your chances at long-term success. A little exercise along […]

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Tips To Help You Stick to Your Healthy Choice Tips Goals

17 March 2011

Most people slip up or cheat at some point when trying to eat healthier but it’s important to not let these instances discourage you and to focus on the things that will help you stick to your goals. Be proud of what you do accomplish and don’t allow yourself to be wracked with guilt over […]

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Where to Start With Your Healthy Choice Tips Plan

16 March 2011

Once you’ve decided to take the first steps in healthy eating, creating a plan to guide you will help you in your efforts. Eating healthier can start with small changes at first and you can progress from there, but creating goals for yourself in advance will help you stay focused and measure your progress. Make […]

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Healthy Choice Tips During the Christmas Holidays

13 March 2011

Sticking to your healthy eating plan when your fridge is filled with vegetables and there’s no temptation in sight can be much easier than sitting two feet away from a buffet table loaded with gingerbread cookies and eggnog every night for a week. Once the holidays come around, you’ve got food filled parties and get-togethers […]

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Healthy Choice Tips: Small Portions

Added on 24 March 2011

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